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  • Advanced Holiday Candy Cane Hanger Swirl with Icing Soap Workshop

    **This workshop is for those students that have taken Soapmaking 101 **And have taken additional Advanced Soapmaking classes previously (or have previous and are comfortable with cold process soap-making)…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Adults | Sunday

    Sunday Nov 10, 10am-1pm

  • Beginner Soap Making 101

    Learn the fundamentals of Traditional Soap Making in this hands-on workshop, where you will learn the techniques, ingredients and equipment needed to make your own sudsy bars. We will…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Teens | Adults | Sunday

    Sundays, 10am-1pm

  • Christmas Bathbomb & Shower Steamer Workshop

    **This workshop is for those of all skill levels. No previous experience is required! A NEW workshop for the holiday season. Students will learn about the ingredients, techniques and…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Adults | Sunday

    Sunday Dec 1, 1:30-4:30pm

  • Advanced Holiday Candy Cane Hanger Swirl with Icing Soap Workshop

    **This workshop is for those students that have taken Soapmaking 101 **And have taken additional Advanced Soapmaking classes previously (or have previous and are comfortable with cold process soap-making)…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Adults | Sunday

    Sunday Nov 17, 1:30-4:30pm

  • Advanced Christmas Confetti Layered Soap-Making

    **This workshop is for those that have taken Soapmaking 101 (or have previous cold process soap-making experience) **And have taken additional Advanced Soapmaking classes previously A NEW workshop for…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Adults | Sunday

    Sunday Dec 1, 10am-1pm

  • Advanced Goat Milk or Beer Soap Workshops

    *This workshop is for those that have taken Soapmaking 101 (or have previous cold process soap-making experience) Students will create a popular soap using either Beer or the ever-…

    Workshops | Soap Making | Adults | Sunday

    Sundays, 1:30-4pm

  • For Schools & Teachers

    Would you like to enhance your students’ learning experience? Want them to really get immersed in your subject and give them that hands-on feeling of REAL learning and exploration?…

    Workshops | PA Days | March Break | Soap Making | Pottery | Fused Glass | Sculpting | Drawing | Family | Kids | Youth | Teens | Parent & Child

  • Creative Insight Pottery Gift Card

    Gift Cards | Products | Digital Media | Jewellery | Soap Making | Pottery | Fused Glass | Sculpting | Drawing | Painting | Mixed Media | Online | Family | Kids | Youth | Teens | Adults | Parent & Child

  • Adult Soap Making Parties (Bridal, Birthday, Baby Shower, etc)

    11 people max
    Create your own custom bars

    Birthday parties | Soap Making | Adults

    From: $720.00