slide-4In this age and for the future, the ability to rethink and reinvent how a company does what they do is vital for corporate success. Thinking outside the box, creative problem-solving, and visualizing what we want to see for our future has never before been so valuable and in demand.

Yet sometimes, workplace routines and expectations can often narrow your team’s ability to let their creativity and innovation be put to use. Our ‘Creative Team-Building Workshops’ offer a relaxing and peaceful environment where anyone can feel comfortable letting creativity come out, and re-discover new and limitless creative energies they didn’t know they had.

Although you will hear many people say they are not creative, the truth is that everyone is actually highly creative. Yet unlike most ‘arts’ classes, pottery has the unique distinction of being a ‘3-D’ artform. This activates a whole different part of the brain that can strengthen ‘big-picture’ visualization in the corporate workplace. Often, many people who claim to be ‘not artistic’ tend to find pottery surprisingly exciting and become quite good at it! Combine this with the natural quality that pottery has to relax the mind, calm the metabolism, and to access the right side of the brain/subconscious, and the results are often joyfully surprising.

Your team will find a new belief in their ability to be creative, a trust in their own value of that creativity, and respect for the creativity in others in their workplace.

And most of all, just have some fun!

Adult and corporate partyFood Catering options available:


We offer Creative experience as part of our Gift Cards, I’m sure your employees will love to spend some time at our Studio. For only $75/person plus HST he/she can come for a true, relaxing, and enjoyable pottery experience.
We offer our Creative Drop in night every Friday, all they need to do is to sign up online.

If you are looking for a handmade pottery to give away as a gift, we have a selection of work to choose from. Please email us for more information, Artists are really busy producing work so we need to book ahead!

Please contact Katia to discuss your needs and we can put together a package;
905 220 8374