For those that have taken Soapmaking 101 or have previous soapmaking experience, we are offering a repeat of our Colour and Design Workshop where you will be able to design and colour your own soap.
We will review various ingredients that add colour to your soap and also learn some basic design techniques that allow you to create your own soapy masterpiece.
Participants will mix, customize and mold your own bars and take home over 2 lbs of soap that equals 14 bars once cut.
All supplies including a detailed handout containing all the information discussed during the class with recipes and instructions.
**Participants must have legs covered and closed toed shoes.
**Safety glasses and aprons will be provided.
Students will add scent to their soap with fragrance oils provided. If they wish to use Essential oils they are welcome to bring their own to add in.
**Please note; Full payment for this workshop is required upon registration. Unfortunately there are NO REFUNDS for this particular workshop. Thanks